Eyelets are small metal rings that are used to reinforce a hole in fabric by allowing cords, ribbons, or other materials to pass through the perforation. These are frequently used to fasten or decorate dresses, and footwear. Punched eyelets, hooked eyelets or speed hooks, D-ring eyelets, and more are all available.
The eyelet is frequently used to close the drawstring cashing opening. Because it has a more appealing appearance, it is commonly used as functional garment decorations. It can be found on shoes, hoodies, sweatshirts, and even handbag lace style closures. At the same time, it protects the holes in the case that they rip away too far due to wear.
We have plastic, brass, and stainless eyelets, as well as leather eyelets. Choose eyelets for all of your projects now. Grommets are available here if your material is particularly heavy. Choose them based on the thickness of the fabric, the size of the holes, and other factors.