
  • We will send the goods within 5 working days after receiving your payment.
    If the payment is not completed on time, your order will be automatically closed.
  • We ship from China mainland. Chinese New Year is coming, please note the shipping will be stopped from Jan.25 to Feb.10. All of the orders will be shipped when we return on Feb.10.


  • Our default shipment is by Express. It usually takes 3-7 days to arrive.
    Since our customers are from the whole world, we will calculate the best express shipping cost for you based on your location (usually DHL/TNT/UPS/FEDEX/EMS/ARAMEX)


  • We will ship by air freight or by sea if your package is bulky and heavy. And we will discuss it with you by email. If you are ready to place a large order,  please contact us and we will give you a discount on the shipping cost.


  • If you don't receive it during the shipping time, please contact us immediately. We'll check it for you.
    Because sometimes it will be delayed for traffic or flight jams. Please do not complain to us. We will take responsibility to resend or refund for any lost items.